Case Studies

Dick and Jane

Dick and Jane, a couple in their early 60’s, have close to $700,000 in a variety of accounts. They need $5,000 a month in income, with some coming from Social Security and pensions. See how Thrive® helped Dick and Jane

John and Amy

John and Amy, age 55, are high-net-worth clients with $1.6M in assets. By harnessing the incredible tax benefits of annuities and the FIBO® method , John and Amy receive over $7,000 a month in income but pay less than $250 a year in taxes. See how Thrive® helped John and Amy

Bill and Betty

Bill and Betty, in their mid-60’s, expect Social Security and pensions to address most of their income needs in retirement. Their income gap of $800 can be filled by using part of their $500,000 in assets, leaving the remainder to grow. See how Thrive® helped Bill and Betty

Steve and Sally

Steve and Sally are a healthy couple aged 72 and 67. They have an income gap of $3,000 month after taking into account Social Security income. Unfortunately, their modest assets of $200,000 can’t fill this gap with their current plan. See how Thrive® helped Steve and Sally