
Emerging best practices in retirement income distribution point toward creating a floor of guaranteed income to meet expenses in retirement.* Clients value the peace of mind that comes with knowing their retirement paycheck will come every month, no matter what happens in the markets.

Many methods for guaranteed income in retirement have significant drawbacks, such as high-cost guarantees, tax-inefficiency, low returns, or lack of inflation protection. Other income distribution methods create steady income without guarantees, leaving clients’ income subject to market fluctuations, and “holding hostage” significant assets in order to keep withdrawals low.

Invented by a financial advisor, the Thrive® Income Distribution System achieves the three goals every advisor should have for their retiree clients: guaranteed income, maximum rates, and tax-efficiency, using the least amount of assets. By dedicating only a portion of assets for income, Thrive allows the remaining portfolio to grow throughout retirement, helping the client to achieve their legacy goals.

Thrive's® web-based software optimizes the purchase of a series of immediate and deferred income annuities, coordinating multiple income sources and account types to minimize taxes. It has been used with hundreds of clients and dozens of advisors, perfected over the last ten years.

*See, for example, Babbel, David F. and Merrill, Craig B. Investing your Lump Sum at Retirement, Wharton Financial Institutions Center, August 6, 2007.